Sequin Birds

The Sequin Birds walkabout act captivates with stunning costumes covered in glimmering sequins. One bird dazzles in gold, embodying the fiery sun, while the other shines in silver and blue, representing the serene moon. Their striking size and vivid colors create an unforgettable visual display.

Price from £784 + travel

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Full Biography

The Sequin Birds walkabout act captivates with stunning costumes covered in glimmering sequins. One bird dazzles in gold, embodying the fiery sun, while the other shines in silver and blue, representing the serene moon. Their striking size and vivid colors create an unforgettable visual display.

Perfect for parades, festivals, open-air events, large venues, and meet-and-greets, this act enchants audiences with its choreographed routines, lively music, and interactive moments. The Sequin Birds engage with the crowd, posing for photos and spreading joy wherever they appear.

Symbolizing the harmony of fire and water, sun and moon, these contrasting yet complementary birds bring an air of magic and unity to their performances. Their unique presence ensures a truly memorable experience for any event.


Default lineup: 2 performers

Lineup: Arriving 1 hour before performance. Three 30-minute walkabout sets. Leaving venue 1 hour after performance.

Performance Times

3 x 30 minutes

From £784 + travel

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4 x 30 minutes

From £882 + travel

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Required by act...


Price from £784 + travel from London

Based on 2 artists performing 3 x 30 minutes

  • East Midlands From £784
  • East of England From £784
  • North West From £784
  • Republic of Ireland From £784
  • South East From £784
  • South West From £784
  • Wales From £784
  • West Midlands From £784
  • Yorkshire and the Humber From £784
  • North East From £980
  • Northern Ireland From £980
  • Scotland From £980

Most Alive Network artists travel UK wide and internationally. Get a guide price instantly by clicking the 'get quote' button and entering your event date and location. Make an enquiry and we will liase directly with Sequin Birds to confirm price, availability, and the provide you with a confirmed quote.

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1 Customer Reviews

Performance quality: 5 stars
Sound quality: 5 stars
Behaviour: 5 stars
Communication: 5 stars
Audience engagement: 5 stars
Value for money: 5 stars
  • Excellent 1
  • Good
  • OK
  • Unsatisfactory
  • Poor


5 stars - Sequin Birds are Highly Recommended
The client booked Sequin Birds for their event July 2024


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